Borough Departments
Police Desk
Borough Hall Offices
Municipal Court
201-767-3330 option #3
Senior Center
201-767-3330 option #5
Borough Code
Borough Code now on internet, to access click on link below
Borough of Northvale Borough Hall
116 Paris Avenue, Northvale, NJ 07647
Get Driving Directions
Borough Contacts
Frances Weston
Municipal Clerk,
DPW Secretary
Board of Health Secretary
ext 219
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Nicole Cowley
Finance/Accounts Payable
Deputy Registrar
ext 220
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Suzanne Burroughs
Tax Collector
ext 222
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Joseph Luppino
Chief Financial Officer
ext 223
Julia Martino
Building Department
Technical Assistant
Planning/Zoning Bd Secretary
ext 213
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Nick Lepore
Property Maintenance
Zoning Officer
Code Enforcement Officer
ext 217
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Richard Hess
Construction Code Official
ext 215
Steve Wiersma
Plumbing Inspector
ext 213
Charles Thomas
Fire Official
ext 214
Richard Hess
Electrical Inspector/Fire Inspector
Chuck Batch
Fire Subcode Official
Clare Cabibbo
Court Administrator
ext 212
Rob Brescia
Assistant Tax Assessor
ext 207
Tara Pisano
Violations Clerk
[Send an email]
Michelle Adoni
Senior Director