Fire Prevention
(Main Number)
201-767-9631 fax
Charles Thomas
Fire Official
201-767-3330 ext 214
Richard Hess
Fire Inspector
201-767-3330 ext 214
Julia Martino
Administrative Assistant
201-767-3330 ext 213
[Send an email]
Useful Forms
Hours of Operation
8:30 AM–4:30 PM
Borough Code
Borough Code now on internet, to access click on link below
Northvale Fire Prevention Bureau
Charles Thomas – Fire Official
Direct Line (201) 767-3330 ext 214
The Fire Marshal is part-time and responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Fire Prevention Office. The mission of this office is to prevent fires by conducting thorough annual fire inspections mandated under the N.J. Uniform Fire Code. The department conducts fire prevention lectures and has fire prevention information for the residents of Northvale. All Inspectors are required to undergo strict educational and certification process, as mandated by the State of New Jersey, to be employed in the Fire Prevention Bureau. Charles Thomas supervises the department’s Fire Inspectors who inspect all Business, Schools and Places of Assemblies in Northvale for fire code compliance. The Fire Prevention Bureau inspects all homes for sale to ensure smoke detectors, carbon monoxide alarms and fire extinguishers are installed as required for closing.
Richard Hess – Fire Inspector
Direct Line (201) 767-3330
Smoke Dectors And Preparation Save Lives
Working smoke detectors are your first line of defense in the event of a fire in your home. Having time to escape your home, in the event of a fire, is crucial for the survival of your family. Your chance of survival doubles with a working smoke detector installed within 10ft of all bedroom doors and at least each level of your home.
Smoke detectors should be checked regularly and batteries change as necessary. It is a good practice to change the batteries at least twice a year when you change your clocks.
Fire Hazards
Most fires can be prevented because they are accidental in nature. In general all fires require three " ingredients" to start, theses ingredients are in your home. They are a fuel (something that can bum), ignition, (something that gets hot) and air. Put them together and you have a fire that may be small, but all big fires start small. Here are some basic fire safety rules to help eliminate fire hazards around your house.
Keep combustibles away from the boiler, furnace or hot water heaters.
Use caution when using electric or fuel heating units… where unit is placed, near storage or combustibles.
Have your fireplace cleaned annually and keep newspapers/combustibles away from front, use a screen. •Regularly check your stovepipe on a wood-burning stove.
Store gasoline in an approved container and in a safe location away from heat sources.
Check all electrical outlets ensure there are no overloaded circuits or over use of electrical extension cords.
Do not run electrical extension cords under any rug.
Ensure clothes iron and hair dryer is unplugged when not in use.
Clean clothes dryer lint collector and vent regularly.
Use candles with caution and never leave unattended.
Keep matches and lighters away from children. . Clean oven and remove any grease.
Use smoking materials with caution; do not smoke in bed and dispose of smoking materials in a non-combustile container. Do not empty in ordinary trash container.
Store propane outside structure.
Smoke Detector / Carbon Monoxide Detector and Fire Extingusher Inspection Required
Residents planning to sell homes are required to apply and receive a Certificate of Compliance from the Building Department this includes a certificate of Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Certificate: This requirement is also required for any rentals.
The minimum requirement is one battery-operated smoke detector required to be installed on each level and outside bedrooms. Also, a carbon monoxide alarm is to be installed within 10ft of all bedroom doors. A portable fire extinguisher shall be installed within 10 ft of the kitchen. It must be hung no higher than 5ft off the floor. The extinguisher shall be rated at ABC and not be less than 2.5 lbs or greater than 10lbs.
Please apply and schedule an inspection in ample time before your scheduled closing as to avoid any possible delay.
Free Fire Prevention Information
The Northvale Fire Bureau has free fire prevention information for Northvale residents including limited amounts of Tot and Animal Finders. This information provides additional fire safety tips and ideas including planning an emergency escape plan for your family. Please feel free to contact us to obtain these valuable resources.
Contact Information
It you have any questions or concerns in regard to Fire Prevention or Safety please contact the Northvale Fire Marshal Charles Thomas at 201-767-3330 ext 214.