Historic Photos

Historic Cards

Borough Code
Borough Code now on internet, to access click on link below
Borough of Northvale Historical Society
A town historical society has recently been formed and plans to develop a web-site in the coming months. Look for an announcement on the Borough’s web site when they are open for business.
The Society’s mission will center on preserving documents and photos that were collected by the late Anita Silva Rejmaniak, and adding to the collection through interaction with Northvale’s residents.
A recent issue of the Northern Valley Historical Society’s Newsletter carried stories about industries that were doing business here in the ‘olden days’. The article can be read here.
If you know of any stories about industries that are not covered in the Newsletter article please call Alberta Rudolph (201 768-1056) or Lorraine Maldanoto (201 768-4966). The Northvale Society would appreciate hearing from you. They can also make copies of any related photo’s you have, without harm to the originals.
Memoirs of Northvale VFW Members
Eagle Project by Seamus Ward
For my eagle project, members of the Northvale VFW were interviewed about their service in foreign wars. These interviews were put into PDF documents and are here on this web page. This web page was designed with the intention of increasing awareness regarding the service of these brave Americans. I encourage anyone and everyone to read and become aware of what these men and women have done for our country.
Thousands of American men and women have served in the military in foreign wars. To aid their adjustment after returning from these wars, the VFW was established. Although recent and current wars are present in our thoughts, many years have passed since WWI, WWII, Korea and Vietnam. As a result many veterans have grown old, died, and some may even have been forgotten. I have learned from a member from the Northvale VFW post 162, that many veterans die with people knowing very little or nothing of their Service in the Military. I would like to change this unfortunate occurrence. These soldiers fought for our right to be free. I want to ensure they are remembered and honored.
Below are PDF files containing interviews of the Veterans.