Unofficial Mayor & Council Meeting Highlights October 9, 2024
October 9, 2024
Promoted Police Detective Charles Albanese to the rank of Sergeant
Listened to an update presentation from Andrew Mikesh and Betsy Longendorfer on the Northern Valley Greenway
Approved entering into the Educational Services Cooperative of NJ purchasing cooperative
Approved Betsy Longendorfer as a Northvale representative to the Northern Valley Greenway
Expressed support for the multi-municipality lawsuit against the state regarding the latest round of commitment numbers for Fair Share Housing and how 62 municipalities are not included in these commitments
Approved ordinance allowing parking on west side of Chestnut St. on Sundays and Holidays
Approved ordinance prohibiting parking and standing on Frances Lane during school days
Approved ordinance providing lead paint inspections by the Borough in addition to private contractors
Approved 1st reading of “No Knock Ordinance” which allows residents to sign up to be included on a registry the prohibits peddlers and solicitors from approaching their doors.