​Suzanne Burroughs
Tax Collector
201-767-3330 ext 222
[Send an email]
Rob Brescia
Tax Assessor
201-767-3330 Ext. 207
Useful Information
Tax Assessor Hours:
Wednesdays from 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Or by appointment.
Quarterly Taxes are Due:
February 1st
May 1st
August 1st
November 1st
Grace Period:
There is a 10 Day Grace Period. On the 11th Day interest accrues back to the first of the month.
Interest is required to be charged on late payments of taxes. Interest accrues at 8% on the first $1,500 and 18% above $1,500. Interest stays at 18% until the balance is brought current.
Postmarks Not Accepted:
Postmarks are no longer accepted for tax payments.
Tax Appeals:
Deadline for filing tax appeals is April 1st. Taxes must be paid current before filing.
Added Assessment Appeals:
The deadline for filing Added Assessment appeals is 45 days after the Added Assessment tax bill is issued.
Appeal Forms:
Appeal forms are available from the Bergen County Tax Board
Borough Code
Borough Code now on internet, to access click on link below
Tax Department
Some Things to Remember
Your Tax Assessor can answer questions about tax assessments. Your Tax Collector can answer questions about tax collection.
The Tax Assessor cannot legally collect tax money so please do not mail your checks to the Assessor.
When you are issued a building permit, you may expect visits from both the Assessor and the Construction Official as their duties require.
Improvements may be subject to added Assessments which begin the 1st of the month following substantial completion, occupancy or use. The Added Assessment list is submitted to the County Tax Board on October 1st and the tax thereon is due in full November 1st of the same year.
Any building standing as of October 1st of the pre-tax year will be taxable for the entire following year.
Improvements to your home not only make it more comfortable and attractive but also make it more valuable. Some of the most common improvements are listed below:
Assessable – Additions, Air Conditioning, Brick Facing (1 story or more), Decks, enclosed porch or deck, finished basement, fireplace(wood, coal or gas) garage conversions and carports, inground pools, kitchens and bathrooms, shed(larger than 10x10), siding.
Not Assessable – fences, sheds smaller than 10x10, paint, replacement windows, skylights, jungle gym or play platform, above ground pools
P= Partial Assessment on the Improvement and indicates that the property is not fully assessed.
Added Assessment bills for improvements are issued in October and payable on November 1 along with the Original Tax Bill. It also has a preliminary Tax Bill due February and May along with the Original Bill. Appeals on Added Assessment bills are filed on or before December 1st with the Bergen County Board of Taxation.
Property Tax Assessment Cards please call tax assessor at 201 767 3330 ext. 207
Original Bills are mailed to authorized Mortgage Companies or directly to the Taxpayer. Ad Advice copy is mailed to property owners with a Mortgage company.
Deductions – An amount taken off the Gross Tax on the Tax bill.
A Veteran or the Widow of a Veteran may apply for a $250.00 Tax Deduction. The Veteran must have service in time of war, complete the application and present an Honorable Discharge and a FormDD214.
A Senior Citizen or the Widow of a Senior Citizen (at least 55 years old) may apply for a $250.00 Tax Deduction. To qualify you must be 65 years or older and earn less that $10,000.00 a year excluding Social Security. A widow of a Senior Citizen who is under 65 can only apply if the Senior citizen was receiving the deduction before his death.
A Disabled Person or the Surviving Spouse of a Disabled Person (at least 55 years old) may also apply for a $250.00 Tax Deduction. To qualify you must be able to prove to be totally and permanently disabled and earn less than $10,000.00 a year excluding Social Security. A surviving spouse of a Disabled person can only apply if the Disabled Person was receiving the deduction before death.
Tax-Exempt – No tax payment is charged at all.
A Totally Disabled Veteran may apply to the Tax Assessor for an exemption. You must have been totally and completely disabled during times of war.
How you make the payment depends on how you want your receipt, either:
1. Bring in the entire bill and I will pull the stub and receipt the back of the bill.
2. Send the entire bill with the check in a self-addressed, stamped envelope and I will pull the stub and receipt the back of the bill.
3. Send the stub and the check in and your canceled check will be your receipt.
Tax Sale
A Tax Sale must be conducted each year to resolve prior year tax delinquencies. State law authorizes the collector to begin the Tax Sale process on January 1st but in Northvale, the sale is generally scheduled between June and December. The sale is advertised in The Record for four weeks. The Collector sells Tax Sale Certificates which are filed with the Bergen County Registry and become liens against the property. Investors who purchase the certificates have the right to pay the current tax, which becomes part of the lien. Investors also have the option to begin the foreclosure process after 2 years to take possession of the property. Tax Sale Certificates cannot be redeemed in partial payments.
Property Tax Relief Programs
Property Tax Relief Programs are offered through the State for qualified Senior Citizens and Disabled persons. Contact the Tax Collector or the State of New Jersey website at https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/relief.shtml